Source code for pyinterp.orbit

# Copyright (c) 2024 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Orbit interpolation.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterator
import dataclasses

import numpy

from . import core, geodetic
from .typing import NDArray, NDArrayDateTime, NDArrayTimeDelta

def interpolate(
    lon: NDArray,
    lat: NDArray,
    xp: NDArray,
    xi: NDArray,
    height: float = 0.0,
    wgs: geodetic.Coordinates | None = None,
    half_window_size: int = 10,
) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]:
    """Interpolate the given orbit at the given coordinates.

        lon: Longitudes (in degrees).
        lat: Latitudes (in degrees).
        xp: The x-coordinates at which the orbit is defined.
        height: Height of the satellite above the Earth's surface (in meters).
        xi: The x-coordinates at which to evaluate the interpolated values.
        wgs: The World Geodetic System used to convert the coordinates.
        half_window_size: Half size of the window used to interpolate the

        Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: The interpolated longitudes and latitudes.
    wgs = wgs or geodetic.Coordinates()
    mz = wgs.spheroid.semi_major_axis / wgs.spheroid.semi_minor_axis()
    x, y, z = wgs.lla_to_ecef(
        lon,  # type: ignore
        lat,  # type: ignore
        numpy.full_like(lon, height),

    r = numpy.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z * mz * mz)

    x_axis = core.Axis((xp - xp[0]).astype(numpy.float64), 1e-6, False)
    xi = (xi - xp[0]).astype(numpy.float64)

    x = core.interpolate1d(
        xi,  # type: ignore
    y = core.interpolate1d(
        xi,  # type: ignore
    z = core.interpolate1d(
        xi,  # type: ignore
    r = core.interpolate1d(
        xi,  # type: ignore

    r /= numpy.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    x *= r
    y *= r
    z *= r * (1 / mz)

    lon, lat, _ = wgs.ecef_to_lla(x, y, z)

    return lon, lat

def _rearrange_orbit(
    cycle_duration: numpy.timedelta64,
    lon: NDArray,
    lat: NDArray,
    time: NDArrayTimeDelta,
) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArrayTimeDelta]:
    """Rearrange orbit starting from pass 1.

    Detect the beginning of pass 1 in the ephemeris. By definition, it is
    the first passage at southernmost latitude.

        cycle_duration: Cycle time in seconds.
        lon: Longitudes (in degrees).
        lat: Latitudes (in degrees).
        time: Time since the beginning of the orbit.

        The orbit rearranged starting from pass 1.
    dy = numpy.roll(lat, 1) - lat  # type: ignore
    indexes = numpy.where((dy < 0) & (numpy.roll(dy, 1) >= 0))[0]

    # If the orbit is already starting from pass 1, nothing to do
    if indexes[0] < int(indexes.mean()):
        return lon, lat, time

    # Shift coordinates, so that the first point of the orbit is the beginning
    # of pass 1
    shift = indexes[-1]

    lon = numpy.hstack([lon[shift:], lon[:shift]])
    lat = numpy.hstack([lat[shift:], lat[:shift]])
    time = numpy.hstack([time[shift:], time[:shift]])
    time = (time - time[0]) % cycle_duration
    if numpy.any(time < numpy.timedelta64(0, 's')):
        raise ValueError('Time is negative')
    return lon, lat, time

def _calculate_pass_time(lat: NDArray,
                         time: NDArrayTimeDelta) -> NDArrayTimeDelta:
    """Compute the initial time of each pass.

        lat: Latitudes (in degrees)
        time: Date of the latitudes (in seconds).

        Start date of half-orbits.
    dy = numpy.roll(lat, 1) - lat  # type: ignore
    indexes = numpy.where(((dy < 0) & (numpy.roll(dy, 1) >= 0))
                          | ((dy > 0)  # type: ignore
                             & (numpy.roll(dy, 1) <= 0)))[0]
    # The duration of the first pass is zero.
    indexes[0] = 0
    return time[indexes]

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Orbit: """Properties of the orbit. Args: height: Height of the satellite (in meters). latitude: Latitudes (in degrees). longitude: Longitudes (in degrees). pass_time: Start date of half-orbits. time: Time elapsed since the beginning of the orbit. x_al: Along track distance (in meters). wgs: World Geodetic System used. """ #: Height of the satellite (in meters). height: float #: Latitudes (in degrees). latitude: NDArray #: Longitudes (in degrees). longitude: NDArray #: Start date of half-orbits. pass_time: NDArrayTimeDelta #: Time elapsed since the beginning of the orbit. time: NDArrayTimeDelta #: Along track distance (in meters). x_al: NDArray #: Spheroid model used. wgs: geodetic.Spheroid | None
[docs] def cycle_duration(self) -> numpy.timedelta64: """Get the cycle duration.""" return self.time[-1]
[docs] def passes_per_cycle(self) -> int: """Get the number of passes per cycle.""" return len(self.pass_time)
[docs] def orbit_duration(self) -> numpy.timedelta64: """Get the orbit duration.""" duration = self.cycle_duration().astype( 'timedelta64[us]') / numpy.timedelta64( int(self.passes_per_cycle() // 2), 'us') return numpy.timedelta64(int(duration), 'us')
[docs] def curvilinear_distance(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Get the curvilinear distance.""" return geodetic.LineString( self.longitude, # type: ignore self.latitude, # type: ignore ).curvilinear_distance(strategy='thomas', wgs=self.wgs)
[docs] def pass_duration(self, number: int) -> numpy.timedelta64: """Get the duration of a given pass. Args: number: track number (must be in [1, passes_per_cycle()]) Returns: numpy.datetime64: track duration """ passes_per_cycle = self.passes_per_cycle() if number < 1 or number > passes_per_cycle: raise ValueError(f'number must be in [1, {passes_per_cycle}]') if number == passes_per_cycle: return (self.time[-1] - self.pass_time[-1] + self.time[1] - self.time[0]) return self.pass_time[number] - self.pass_time[number - 1]
[docs] def decode_absolute_pass_number(self, number: int) -> tuple[int, int]: """Calculate the cycle and pass number from a given absolute pass number. Args: number (int): absolute pass number Returns: tuple: cycle and pass number """ number -= 1 return (int(number / self.passes_per_cycle()) + 1, (number % self.passes_per_cycle()) + 1)
[docs] def encode_absolute_pass_number(self, cycle_number: int, pass_number: int) -> int: """Calculate the absolute pass number for a given half-orbit. Args: cycle_number (int): Cycle number pass_number (int): Pass number Returns: int: Absolute pass number """ passes_per_cycle = self.passes_per_cycle() if not 1 <= pass_number <= passes_per_cycle: raise ValueError(f'pass_number must be in [1, {passes_per_cycle}') return (cycle_number - 1) * self.passes_per_cycle() + pass_number
[docs] def delta_t(self) -> numpy.timedelta64: """Returns the average time difference between two measurements. Returns: int: average time difference """ return numpy.diff(self.time).mean()
[docs] def iterate( self, first_date: numpy.datetime64 | None = None, last_date: numpy.datetime64 | None = None, absolute_pass_number: int = 1 ) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int, numpy.datetime64]]: """Obtain all half-orbits within the defined time interval. Args: first_date: First date of the period to be considered. Defaults to the current date. last_date: Last date of the period to be considered. Defaults to the current date plus the orbit duration. absolute_pass_number (int, optional): Absolute number of the first pass to be returned. Returns: iterator: An iterator for all passes in the interval pointing to the cycle number, pass number and start date of the half-orbit. """ date = first_date or numpy.datetime64('now') last_date = last_date or date + self.cycle_duration() while date <= last_date: cycle_number, pass_number = self.decode_absolute_pass_number( absolute_pass_number) yield cycle_number, pass_number, date # Shift the date of the duration of the generated pass date += self.pass_duration(pass_number) # Update of the number of the next pass to be generated absolute_pass_number += 1 return StopIteration
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class EquatorCoordinates: """Coordinates of the satellite at the equator.""" #: Longitude longitude: float #: Product dataset name time: numpy.datetime64
[docs] @classmethod def undefined(cls) -> EquatorCoordinates: """Create an undefined instance.""" return cls(numpy.nan, numpy.datetime64('NaT'))
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Pass: """Class representing a pass of an orbit.""" #: Nadir longitude of the pass (degrees) lon_nadir: NDArray #: Nadir latitude of the pass (degrees) lat_nadir: NDArray #: Time of the pass time: NDArrayDateTime #: Along track distance of the pass (in meters) x_al: NDArray #: Coordinates of the satellite at the equator equator_coordinates: EquatorCoordinates
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Get the number of points in the pass.""" return len(self.time)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Swath(Pass): """Class representing a pass of an orbit.""" #: Longitude of the swath (degrees) lon: NDArray #: Latitude of the swath (degrees) lat: NDArray #: Across track distance of the pass (m) x_ac: NDArray
[docs] def mask(self, requirement_bounds: tuple[float, float]) -> NDArray: """Obtain a mask to set NaN values outside the mission requirements. Args: requirement_bounds (tuple): Limits of SWOT swath requirements: absolute value of the minimum and maximum across track distance. Returns: Mask set true, if the swath is outside the requirements of the mission. """ valid = numpy.full_like(self.x_ac, numpy.nan) valid[(numpy.abs(self.x_ac) >= requirement_bounds[0]) & (numpy.abs(self.x_ac) <= requirement_bounds[1])] = 1 along_track = numpy.full(self.lon_nadir.shape, 1, dtype=numpy.float64) return along_track[:, numpy.newaxis] * valid # type: ignore
[docs] def insert_central_pixel(self) -> Swath: """Return a swath with a central pixel dividing the swath in two by the reference ground track.""" def _insert(array: NDArray, central_pixel: int, fill_value: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Insert a central pixel in a given array.""" return numpy.c_[array[:, :central_pixel], fill_value[:, numpy.newaxis], array[:, central_pixel:]] num_pixels = self.lon.shape[1] + 1 num_lines = self.lon.shape[0] central_pixel = num_pixels // 2 return Swath( self.lon_nadir, self.lat_nadir, self.time, self.x_al, self.equator_coordinates, _insert(self.lon, central_pixel, self.lon_nadir), _insert(, central_pixel, self.lat_nadir), _insert(self.x_ac, central_pixel, numpy.zeros(num_lines, dtype=self.x_ac.dtype)))
def _equator_properties(lon_nadir: NDArray, lat_nadir: NDArray, time: NDArrayTimeDelta) -> EquatorCoordinates: """Calculate the position of the satellite at the equator.""" if lon_nadir.size < 2: return EquatorCoordinates.undefined() # Search the nearest point to the equator i1 = (numpy.abs(lat_nadir)).argmin() i0 = i1 - 1 if i1 > 0 else 1 if lat_nadir[i0] * lat_nadir[i1] > 0: i0, i1 = (i1, i1 + 1) if i1 < lat_nadir.size - 1 else (i1 - 1, i1) lon1 = lon_nadir[i0:i1 + 1] lat1 = lat_nadir[i0:i1 + 1] # Calculate the position of the satellite at the equator intersection = geodetic.LineString( lon1, # type: ignore lat1, # type: ignore ).intersection( geodetic.LineString(numpy.array([lon1[0] - 0.5, lon1[1] + 0.5]), numpy.array([0, 0], dtype='float64'))) if len(intersection) == 0: return EquatorCoordinates.undefined() point = intersection[0] # Calculate the time of the point on the equator lon1 = numpy.insert(lon1, 1, point.lon) lat1 = numpy.insert(lat1, 1, 0) x_al = geodetic.LineString( lon1, # type: ignore lat1, # type: ignore ).curvilinear_distance(strategy='thomas') # Pop the along track distance at the equator x_eq = x_al[1] x_al = numpy.delete(x_al, 1) return EquatorCoordinates( point.lon, numpy.interp(x_eq, x_al, time[i0:i1 + 1].astype('i8')).astype( time.dtype), # type: ignore )
[docs] def calculate_orbit( height: float, lon_nadir: NDArray, lat_nadir: NDArray, time: NDArrayTimeDelta, cycle_duration: numpy.timedelta64 | None = None, along_track_resolution: float | None = None, spheroid: geodetic.Spheroid | None = None, ) -> Orbit: """Calculate the orbit at the given height. Args: height: Height of the orbit, in meters. lon_nadir: Nadir longitude of the orbit (degrees). lat_nadir: Nadir latitude of the orbit (degrees). time: Time elapsed since the start of the orbit. cycle_duration: Duration of the cycle. along_track_resolution: Resolution of the along-track interpolation in kilometers. Defaults to 2 kilometers. spheroid: Spheroid to use for the calculations. Defaults to WGS84. Returns: Orbit object. """ wgs = geodetic.Coordinates(spheroid) # If the first point of the given orbit starts at the equator, we need to # skew this first pass. if -40 <= lat_nadir[0] <= 40: dy = numpy.roll(lat_nadir, 1) - lat_nadir # type: ignore indexes = numpy.where(((dy < 0) & (numpy.roll(dy, 1) >= 0)) | ((dy > 0) & (numpy.roll(dy, 1) <= 0)))[0] lat_nadir = lat_nadir[indexes[1:]] lon_nadir = lon_nadir[indexes[1:]] time = time[indexes[1:]] lon_nadir = geodetic.normalize_longitudes(lon_nadir) time = time.astype('m8[ns]') if numpy.mean(numpy.diff(time)) > numpy.timedelta64(500, 'ms'): time_hr = numpy.arange(time[0], time[-1], numpy.timedelta64(500, 'ms'), dtype=time.dtype) lon_nadir, lat_nadir = interpolate( lon_nadir, # type: ignore lat_nadir, time.astype('i8'), time_hr.astype('i8'), height=height, wgs=wgs, half_window_size=50) time = time_hr if cycle_duration is not None: indexes = numpy.where(time < cycle_duration)[0] lon_nadir = lon_nadir[indexes] lat_nadir = lat_nadir[indexes] time = time[indexes] del indexes # Rearrange orbit starting from pass 1 lon_nadir, lat_nadir, time = _rearrange_orbit( time[-1] + time[1] - time[0], lon_nadir, # type: ignore lat_nadir, time, # type: ignore ) # Calculates the along track distance (km) distance = geodetic.LineString( lon_nadir, # type: ignore[arg-type] lat_nadir, # type: ignore[arg-type] ).curvilinear_distance(strategy='thomas', wgs=spheroid) * 1e-3 # Interpolate the final orbit according the given along track resolution x_al = numpy.arange(distance[0], distance[-2], along_track_resolution or 2, dtype=distance.dtype) lon_nadir, lat_nadir = interpolate( lon_nadir[:-1], lat_nadir[:-1], distance[:-1], # type: ignore x_al, # type: ignore height=height, wgs=wgs, half_window_size=10) time = numpy.interp( x_al, # type: ignore distance[:-1], # type: ignore time[:-1].astype('i8')).astype(time.dtype) return Orbit( height, lat_nadir, lon_nadir, numpy.sort(_calculate_pass_time(lat_nadir, time)), time, x_al, # type: ignore wgs.spheroid, # type: ignore ) # type: ignore
[docs] def calculate_pass( pass_number: int, orbit: Orbit, *, bbox: geodetic.Box | None = None, ) -> Pass | None: """Get the properties of a swath of an half-orbit. Args: pass_number: Pass number orbit: Orbit describing the pass to be calculated. bbox: Bounding box of the pass. Defaults to the whole Earth. Returns: The properties of the pass. """ index = pass_number - 1 # Selected indexes corresponding to the current pass if index == len(orbit.pass_time) - 1: indexes = numpy.where(orbit.time >= orbit.pass_time[-1])[0] else: indexes = numpy.where((orbit.time >= orbit.pass_time[index]) & (orbit.time < orbit.pass_time[index + 1]))[0] if len(indexes) < 5: return None lon_nadir = orbit.longitude[indexes] lat_nadir = orbit.latitude[indexes] time = orbit.time[indexes] x_al = orbit.x_al[indexes] # Selects the orbit in the defined box if bbox is not None: mask = bbox.covered_by(lon_nadir, lat_nadir) if numpy.all(~mask): return None if numpy.any(mask): lon_nadir = lon_nadir[mask] lat_nadir = lat_nadir[mask] time = time[mask] x_al = x_al[mask] equator_coordinates = _equator_properties(lon_nadir, lat_nadir, time) return Pass(lon_nadir, lat_nadir, time, x_al, equator_coordinates)
[docs] def calculate_swath( half_orbit: Pass, *, across_track_resolution: float | None = None, along_track_resolution: float | None = None, half_swath: float | None = None, half_gap: float | None = None, spheroid: geodetic.Spheroid | None = None, ) -> Swath: """Get the properties of a swath of an half-orbit. Args: half_orbit: Half-orbit used to calculate the swath. bbox: Bounding box of the pass. Defaults to the whole Earth. across_track_resolution: Distance, in km, between two points across track direction. Defaults to 2 km. along_track_resolution: Distance, in km, between two points along track direction. Defaults to 2 km. half_swath: Distance, in km, between the nadir and the center of the last pixel of the swath. Defaults to 70 km. half_gap: Distance, in km, between the nadir and the center of the first pixel of the swath. Defaults to 2 km. spheroid: The spheroid to use for the calculation. Defaults to ``None``, which means the WGS-84 spheroid is used. Returns: The properties of the pass. """ across_track_resolution = across_track_resolution or 2.0 along_track_resolution = along_track_resolution or 2 half_swath = half_swath or 70.0 half_gap = half_gap or 2.0 # Compute across track distances from nadir # Number of points in half of the swath half_swath = int((half_swath - half_gap) / across_track_resolution) + 1 x_ac = numpy.arange(half_swath, dtype=float) * along_track_resolution + half_gap x_ac = numpy.hstack((-numpy.flip(x_ac), x_ac)) * 1e3 x_ac = numpy.full((len(half_orbit), x_ac.size), x_ac) lon, lat = core.geodetic.calculate_swath( half_orbit.lon_nadir, # type: ignore half_orbit.lat_nadir, # type: ignore across_track_resolution * 1e3, half_gap * 1e3, half_swath, spheroid, ) return Swath( half_orbit.lon_nadir, half_orbit.lat_nadir, half_orbit.time, half_orbit.x_al, half_orbit.equator_coordinates, lon, # type: ignore lat, # type: ignore x_ac, )