Fix compatibility with Numpy 2.0.0
Minor bug fixes.
Enhance the performance of the spline/bicubic interpolation: - The bicubic interpolation is now 40% faster. - The cubic spline interpolation is now 30% faster.
Fix equator point selection in
Fix skewing of first pass in calculate_orbit() function
Add support for Grid2DUInt8 interpolation
Swap min_corner and max_corner in geodetic box constructor if necessary
Fix issues in the test suite.
Fix linter warnings.
Add intersection method to LineString class
RegularGridInterpolator does not handle interpolator keywords.
Fix issues with Python 3.12
Fill time series by linear interpolation.
Fill unknown positions by linear interpolation.
Period list management.
Documentation fixes.
Geohash box must be within [-180, 180[.
Fix a bug in the calculation of the orbit from the ephemeris.
If MKL is not wanted, use the default BLAS implementation available. On MacOS this is Accelerate. On Linux this is OpenBLAS or a Generic BLAS implementation.
Cleanup module dependencies.
If MKL is not found, use the default BLAS implementation if available.
Looking for multiple crossovers.
Calculate intersection between polygon and linestring.
Added few utility methods for polygons.
Calculate the closest point on a linestring.
Added Universal Krige interpolation for unstructured grids.
Add a method to simplify a line string.
Minor fixes.
Bug fixes with Python and the Global Interpreters Lock.
Update pybind11 to v2.10.3
Add an option to calculate the 1D binning to limit the upper and lower range of bins used.
Add missing prerequisites for pip install.
Documentation fixes.
issues #13: Extract coordinates of the K nearest neighbors of a point.
issues #12: Only the X-axis can be circular.
Pure geodetic RTree.
Bug fixes.
Documentation fixes.
Orbit interpolation improvement.
Improves the accuracy of swath calculation.
Improves TemporalAxis performance.
Fixes bugs in the documentation.
Python interface files are not installed properly.
0.16.0 (4 August 2022)¶
Using Red-Black Gauss-Seidel.
Refactor loess functions for 3D/4D grids.
Bicubic interpolation failed on singleton axis (#11)
Fill Grid4D with Loess filter (#10)
0.15.2 (5 July 2022)¶
Disable assembly code on OSX/ARM64.
Publish AxisInt64.
Crossover point calculation is not accessible.
0.15.1 (6 June 2022)¶
Calculate crossovers in a Cartesian plane.
Fix a bug in the documentation.
0.15.0 (5 June 2022)¶
Geodetic RTree
Added support for PyPy and Pyston.
Removal of NetCDF4 dependency.
Orbit interpolation.
Intersection search using WGS/Spherical coordinates.
0.14.0 (12 April 2022)¶
Add a Gaussian filter function to window functions.
Select GeoHash contained in a multi-polygon.
Construct Geodetic objects from GeoJSON.
Addition of geodetic algorithms.
Implement the shallow copy operation.
Fixes lint/compiler warnings.
Refactor RTree class.
Refactor Crossovers/Linestrings class.
Update the building system.
0.13.0 (11 March 2022)¶
One-dimensional binning.
Update pybind11 to v2.9.1
Fixes minor issues and documentation.
Refactoring the API documentation.
Automatic standardization of longitude when encoding GeoHash.
Fixes lint warnings.
0.12.0 (2 February 2022)¶
Extract test data into auxiliary files.
Install pre-commit hooks.
Upload automatically the package on pypi.
Calculate crossovers between line string.
0.11.0 (3 January 2022)¶
Change of the text representations of the grids.
Change of the text representations of the axes.
Display of dates in case of error in the time axes.
Bug fix: If the step is negative in an axis, it’s impossible to detect that the values are evenly spaced.
0.10.0 (17 December 2021)¶
Refactor regular grid interpolators.
Enhanced test coverage.
Using structured binding declaration.
Refactor GeoHash module
Deleting GeoHash indexes and storage (we’re using pyarrow for this now)
0.9.4 (1 December 2021)¶
Correction of a spelling mistake for a keyword.
0.9.3 (22 November 2021)¶
Compilation fails on Windows with Python 3.10
Warnings from matplotlib are removed.
Use ravel instead of flatten for numpy arrays.
0.9.2 (11 November 2021)¶
Add boxcar windowed function.
Add support for Python 3.10
Use ravel instead of flatten for numpy arrays.
0.9.1 (30 October 2021)¶
Add arguments for windowed functions.
0.9.0 (22 October 2021)¶
Smoothing of an unstructured interpolated mesh with a window function.
0.8.1 (3 October 2021)¶
Handling interpolation of a mask.
Generates stubs for the core modules.
0.8.0 (30 August 2021)¶
Calculates univariate statistics.
Binning using streaming histogram to evaluate quantiles.
Refactoring of the tests to include them in the distribution.
Using unordered_map instead of maps to optimize geohash queries.
Store the geohash index on fs mapping.
Timedelta64 is also temporal axes.
0.7.1 (25 April 2021)¶
find_index does not handle circles.
0.7.0 (23 April 2021)¶
Within functionality flipped for IDW.
Checks if the coordinates are covered by a polygon.
Calculates distance between geodetic objects.
0.6.1 (6 March 2021)¶
An axis can be constructed from constant values.
0.6.0 (5 March 2021)¶
Added utilities for numpy dates.
Modification of the documentation.
0.5.1 (24 January 2021)¶
Fixed a bug in TemporalAxis.
0.5.0 (1 January 2021)¶
Bicubic interpolation.
Corrections of various problems.
Modification of the geohash interface.
Optimization of temporal axes.
0.4.0 (22 September 2020)¶
Indexing data with geohash.
Parallelize the calculation of Binning with dask.
0.3.2 (13 May 2020)¶
Release GIL during RTree insertion or packing.
0.3.1 (17 April 2020)¶
Fixed a bug in Loess filter.
0.3.0 (15 April 2020)¶
Selection of interpolation methods for the third and fourth axes.
Fixed a bug on 4D interpolation with the xarray backend.
0.2.0 (16 February 2020)¶
Publish the “Axis.find_indexes” method.
The Loess filter can process both undefined and defined data.
Updating documentation.
0.1.1 (17 January 2020)¶
Use of MKL in the Conda package.
0.1.0 (4 January 2020)¶
Simplification of interpolations with Xarray.
Support for numpy datetime64.
Added 4D interpolation.
0.0.8 (7 December 2019)¶
Added interpolation by RBF in RTree.
Improvement of RTree class performance.
0.0.7 (13 November 2019)¶
Addition of binned bivariate statistics.
Addition of bicubic interpolation in 3D space.
Improved generations of the C++ extension.
Analysis of test coverage.
Minor bug fixes.
0.0.6 (4 October 2019)¶
Improvement of axis performance.
Fixed performance problems with bilinear, bicubic and trivariate interpolations.
Handling of time axes in the xarray backend.
Access to main objects from the main module.
0.0.5 (19 September 2019)¶
Use of the conda-forge channel.
0.0.4 (16 September 2019)¶
Simplification of the Xarray backend.
Merging of the conda-forge recipe.
Fix documentation issues.
0.0.3 (29 July, 2019)¶
Optimization of memory management.
Improving bicubic interpolation performance.
Addition of methods to fill undefined values to solve interpolation problems near the coasts.
Major redesign to separate grid management from interpolation routines.
0.0.2 (12 July, 2019)¶
Handle bound error on structured grid interpolation.
0.0.1 (8 July, 2019)¶
Initial release.