Source code for pyinterp._geohash

Geohash encoding and decoding
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Type

import numpy
import xarray

from . import geodetic
from .core import GeoHash as BaseGeoHash, geohash

[docs] class GeoHash(BaseGeoHash): """Handle GeoHash encoded in base 32. Geohashing is a geocoding method used to encode geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) into a short string of digits and letters delineating an area on a map, which is called a cell, with varying resolutions. The more characters in the string, the more precise the location. The table below gives the correspondence between the number of characters, the size of the boxes of the grid at the equator and the total number of boxes. ========= =============== ========== precision lng/lat (km) samples ========= =============== ========== 1 4950/4950 32 2 618.75/1237.50 1024 3 154.69/154.69 32768 4 19.34/38.67 1048576 5 4.83/4.83 33554432 6 0.60/1.21 1073741824 ========= =============== ========== Geohashes use Base-32 alphabet encoding (characters can be ``0`` to ``9`` and ``A`` to ``Z``, excl ``A``, ``I``, ``L`` and ``O``). The geohash is a compact way of representing a location, and is useful for storing a location in a database, or for indexing a location in a database. """
[docs] @classmethod def grid(cls, box: Optional[geodetic.Box] = None, precision: int = 1) -> xarray.Dataset: """Return the GeoHash grid covering the provided box. Args: box: Bounding box. precision: Number of characters in the geohash. Default is 1. Returns: Grid of the geohash. """ bbox = box or geodetic.Box.whole_earth() _, nlon, nlat = cls.grid_properties(bbox, precision) grid = geohash.bounding_boxes(bbox, precision=precision) grid = numpy.flip(grid.reshape((nlat, nlon)), axis=0) lon, _ = geohash.decode(grid[-1, :].ravel()) _, lat = geohash.decode(grid[:, 0].ravel()) return xarray.Dataset( dict(geohash=xarray.DataArray( grid, dims=('lat', 'lon'), coords=dict( lon=xarray.DataArray( lon, dims=('lon', ), attrs=dict( units='degrees_north')), lat=xarray.DataArray( lat, dims=('lat', ), attrs=dict(units='degrees_east')), ))))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(code: str, round: bool = False) -> 'GeoHash': """Create from its string representation. Args: code: Geohash code. round: If true, the coordinates of the point will be rounded to the accuracy defined by the GeoHash. Returns: GeoHash: Geohash. Throws: ValueError: If the code is not a valid geohash. """ return GeoHash(*BaseGeoHash.from_string(code, round).reduce())
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: lon, lat, precision = super().reduce() return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({lon}, {lat}, {precision})'
[docs] def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[Type, Tuple[float, float, int]]: return (self.__class__, super().reduce())