Source code for pyinterp.fill

Replace undefined values
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any
import concurrent.futures

import numpy

from . import core, grid, interface
from .typing import NDArray

[docs] def loess(mesh: grid.Grid2D | grid.Grid3D, nx: int = 3, ny: int = 3, value_type: str | None = None, num_threads: int = 0): """Filter values using a locally weighted regression function or LOESS. The weight function used for LOESS is the tri-cube weight function, :math:`w(x)=(1-|d|^3)^3`. Args: mesh: Grid function on a uniform 2-dimensional grid to be filled. nx: Number of points of the half-window to be taken into account along the X-axis. Defaults to ``3``. ny: Number of points of the half-window to be taken into account along the Y-axis. Defaults to ``3``. value_type: Type of values processed by the filter. Supported are ``undefined``, ``defined``, ``all``. Default to ``undefined``. num_threads: The number of threads to use for the computation. If 0 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. Defaults to ``0``. Returns: The grid will have NaN filled with extrapolated values. """ value_type = value_type or 'undefined' instance = mesh._instance function = interface._core_function('loess', instance) if value_type not in ['undefined', 'defined', 'all']: raise ValueError(f'value type {value_type!r} is not defined') return getattr(core.fill, function)(instance, nx, ny, getattr(core.fill.ValueType, value_type.capitalize()), num_threads)
[docs] def gauss_seidel(mesh: grid.Grid2D | grid.Grid3D, first_guess: str = 'zonal_average', max_iteration: int | None = None, epsilon: float = 1e-4, relaxation: float | None = None, num_threads: int = 0): """Replaces all undefined values (NaN) in a grid using the Gauss-Seidel method by relaxation. Args: mesh: Grid function on a uniform 2/3-dimensional grid to be filled. first_guess: Specifies the type of first guess grid. Supported values are: * ``zero`` means use ``0.0`` as an initial guess; * ``zonal_average`` means that zonal averages (i.e, averages in the X-axis direction) will be used. Defaults to ``zonal_average``. max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations to be used by relaxation. The default value is equal to the product of the grid dimensions. epsilon: Tolerance for ending relaxation before the maximum number of iterations limit. Defaults to ``1e-4``. relaxation: Relaxation constant. If ``0 < relaxation < 1``, the new value is an average weighted by the old and the one given by the Gauss-Seidel scheme. In this case, convergence is slowed down (under-relaxation). Over-relaxation consists in choosing a value of ``relaxation`` strictly greater than 1. For the method to converge, it is necessary that: ``1 < relaxation < 2``. If this parameter is not set, the method will choose the optimal value that allows the convergence criterion to be achieved in :math:`O(N)` iterations, for a grid of size :math:`N_x=N_y=N`, ``relaxation`` = :math:`{2\\over{1+{\\pi\\over{N}}}}`; if the grid is of size :math:`Nx \\times Ny`, :math:`N = N_{x}N_{y}\\sqrt{2\\over{N_{x}^2+N_{y}^2}}` num_threads: The number of threads to use for the computation. If 0 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. Defaults to ``0``. Returns: A boolean indicating if the calculation has converged, i. e. if the value of the residues is lower than the ``epsilon`` limit set, and the the grid will have the all NaN filled with extrapolated values. """ if first_guess not in ['zero', 'zonal_average']: raise ValueError(f'first_guess type {first_guess!r} is not defined') ny = len(mesh.y) nx = len(mesh.x) nz = len(mesh.z) if isinstance(mesh, grid.Grid3D) else 0 if relaxation is None: if nx == ny: n = nx else: n = nx * ny * numpy.sqrt(2 / (nx**2 + ny**2)) relaxation = 2 / (1 + numpy.pi / n) if max_iteration is None: max_iteration = nx * ny first_guess = getattr( getattr(core.fill, 'FirstGuess'), ''.join(item.capitalize() for item in first_guess.split('_'))) instance = mesh._instance function = interface._core_function('gauss_seidel', instance) filled = numpy.copy(mesh.array) if nz == 0: _iterations, residual = getattr(core.fill, function)(filled, first_guess, mesh.x.is_circle, max_iteration, epsilon, relaxation, num_threads) else: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=num_threads if num_threads else None) as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(getattr(core.fill, function), filled[:, :, iz], first_guess, mesh.x.is_circle, max_iteration, epsilon, relaxation, 1) for iz in range(nz) ] residuals = [] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): _, residual = future.result() residuals.append(residual) residual = max(residuals) return residual <= epsilon, filled
def matrix(x: NDArray, fill_value: Any = numpy.nan, in_place: bool = True) -> NDArray: """Fills in the gaps between defined values in a 2-dimensional array. Args: x: data to be filled. fill_value: Value used to fill undefined values. in_place: If true, the data is filled in place. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: The data filled. """ if len(x.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('x must be a 2-dimensional array') dtype = x.dtype if not in_place: x = numpy.copy(x) if dtype == numpy.float32: core.fill.matrix_float32(x, fill_value) core.fill.matrix_float64(x, fill_value) return x def vector(x: NDArray, fill_value: Any = numpy.nan, in_place: bool = True) -> NDArray: """Fill in the gaps between defined values in a 1-dimensional array. Args: x: data to be filled. fill_value: Value used to fill undefined values. in_place: If true, the data is filled in place. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: The data filled. """ if not isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError('x must be a numpy.ndarray') if len(x.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('x must be a 1-dimensional array') dtype = x.dtype if not in_place: x = numpy.copy(x) if dtype == numpy.float32: core.fill.vector_float32(x, fill_value) elif dtype == numpy.float64: core.fill.vector_float64(x, fill_value) elif dtype == numpy.int64: core.fill.vector_int64(x, fill_value) elif numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.datetime64) or numpy.issubdtype( dtype, numpy.timedelta64): core.fill.vector_int64(x.view(numpy.int64), fill_value.view(numpy.int64)) else: raise ValueError(f'unsupported data type {dtype}') return x